Friday, April 10, 2009

Caleb's First Garden Patch..

I decided I would plant a garden with Caleb this year... since we are not in an apartment anymore and have a lot of space in our yard! Also after last years pumpkin carving we agreed if nothing else we would grow pumpkins...we kept the seeds. We decided on Pumpkin, Onions, Watermelon, Carrots and Cabbage to start. Now I have never done this before and no one told me (until after the fact) that I was starting way too early! Now we have huge plants and no where to put them as it is still in the minus degrees at night (lesson learnt for next time) I honestly didn't think these seeds would even grow - my thumb is far from green! So here we are on week 4 I think???

Caleb watering his planted seeds!

Newly planted

Now.. Onions transplated into a bigger pot...

Now... Pumpkins in really big pots! Cabbage in slightly bigger pots...

So watch this space!!!!

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