Yay! I finally got around to planting the garden. After months of tending to these little seed pots it's a relief to finally have them in the ground and I don't have to worry about them too much. It's rained the last two days too - bonus! And my hubby even built a make shift fence out of bright orange snow fence around it to keep the deer out :) When he eventually finds the time to do it (downside of being married to a carpenter) we are going to put a fence around the whole back end of the house to keep the kids in. When they play outside they seem to always be attracted to the road. Funny how that works! We made a good start by setting the posts and one of these days Sean might find the time to get the boards on it! Then we can relax in the sun in our yard and not have to stress about the kids. The boys did get to have some fun with the tractor when Dad was ripping out trees and drilling the post holes :)

garden is looking good! once the wedding is over, i want to put in a veggie patch. very excited!
Wooo hooo! Great looking garden! :)
The boys are adorable, btw!
Thank you Thank you!
Here's a thought ...you could teach the boys how to put up fence board!! I did notice they were helping you in the garden (toy tools, I 'm assuming they weren't yours). Or, in all the spare time you have (working mom of two!) you could whip up a few boards yourself! I know, I'm funny eh?
Just thought I'd mention the give away I'm having on my blog.
I was at a birthday do tonight and it appears we have a friend in common! One of the girls at the party mentioned knowing you and I said I knew you via the blog. It was tooooo funny! Small world! Okay, I think the next time you're in my neck of the woods, we need to go for some keylime pie at the Garden's Gate! LOL!
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