So here we go again... It's almost April and I have not lived up to my yearly new years resolution of losing weight... AGAIN. Since doing meatless Mondays I have discovered new foods like Quinoa and Bulgar. I love to cook so have always cooked from scratch I just don't have an 'I'm full' meter.. there is no cut off point... I just keep eating... I thought if I ate healthier then I would get skinnier!!
My husband Sean is allergic to yeast. He has had allergy tests over the years but has only really started to notice (or paid attention as to) how it affects his body as of late. You'll laugh but one of the things he noticed was that when he drank Steam whistle Beer he had more allergy symptoms (stuffy nose, itchy eyes etc..) than when he drank other beers. It turns out that Steam Whistle is an all natural beer... other beers are not so natural killing off the yeast content. So we decided to try a yeast free diet and see how it affects him, if he feels less tired, less bloated etc...
So I get on the internet and try and find recipes that are yeast free... There are hardly any!! So I check out Amazon, Chapters etc... and the newest book I can find is published in 2000. There are so many other diet specific books out there but not that many for yeast apparently? then I stumbled across this website http://www.theyeastdiet.com/index.php and her facebook page. I ordered the book and got my questions answered by the author in less than an hour. So I am anxiously awaiting my cook books! I'll let you know how it goes....
In the meantime reading through her website I am shocked by the things you can't eat & drink... Beer, Wine, Spirits.. of course. Bread... mayo, pickles, coffee, any kind of sugar, dairy... What can we eat???!!! - Vegetables, beans, meat, eggs and grains.... My husband is going to hate me. So we may have to try a variation on this diet and try to cut yeast... I don't think he can live without mayo....
I also decided that I need to get 'You are what you eat' and the cook book.... It makes sense.. right? Something has got to make me skinny again.... Skinny & healthy is the goal so this seems like it is the book for me!

It's a known fact - kids and birtdays make you fat, exponentially !!
The simplest remedy I've heard - "Eat less, move more" :)
Good one :)
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