Monday, November 03, 2008

Tonight I am going to update my blog...

So here I am with a glass of wine... finally trying to find the time to do this. I love reading other people's blogs, my friend Kavita and her sis are so good at this, and I am jealous every morning when I sit down with my coffee and check my mail, banking, blogs etc.. So much always seems to be going on so I guess I just have to write about it!!

We too had a Halloween party.. it was kind of a house warming, Sean's B'day, Halloween party. Sean insisted (and I protested) that everyone had to dress up. So I invite everyone, plan the food, drink etc.. then Saturday morning I head off to teach ballet and Sean takes over. Boys are useless!! By 4pm he is running around town frantically buying things and panicking because our party starts in 4 hours and he still doesn't have a costume. We live in Gore Bay in the middle of nowhere so buying a costume is not an option! He ended up going as a mummy, and after much frustrating yelling at each other in the bathroom we finally got him wrapped up and he looked pretty good! I went as a Glampire. It's so easy for girls to do the slutty thing.. fishnets, low cut top, wear black, heavy eye makeup - BOOM a costume. Yes not all that innovative I know but I am not a big Halloween fan. I am sure I spend a lot of time in my life doing stupid things I don't need to make myself look even more ridiculous.. That's just my opinion.

I did get to carve pumpkins with my boys which was fun. We made a huge mess on the floor and I didn't care cause they just loved it! We saved the seeds as I just got Caleb a book we've been reading about a little boy that plants pumpkin seeds and grows a prize pumpkin so we dried some out to plant in the spring and hopefully we'll have our own pumpkin patch! Caleb is totally psyched about it! Unfortunately kids suck we put them on our front door step and the next morning one was missing and the other was kicked in. Caleb was pretty upset that his pumpkin was missing.. I felt awful!!! Oh well next year we'll know better!


bodaat said...

Yey for your post!! Yey, yey! I'm happy you're back. I love Sean's costume - it looks pretty damn good. What did you make it with? And please post a pic of your sexy costume. It'll make me feel better about mine. :) I'm sorry that the boys' pumpkins got either stolen or messed up. That's awful. (pout)

Unknown said...

He wore a white painters suit then wrapped himself in gauze.. I have more pictures on facebook... Yeah the pumkpins sucked.. Caleb was so upset!


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