Monday, January 12, 2009

My new favorite meal...

That's right folks Slim Fast... yummmmmmmyyyy.... I have had a really tough time with my weight ever since my boys came along because as have found out pregnancy kicks your metabolism in the ass so to speak. So I get upset throw away my clothes and then I eat.. it's a vicious circle. No more!! Pre-pregnancy I weighed 128lbs. That was my heaviest weight ever, now at 165lbs I hope to get down to 135lbs...... eventually. That is my goal lose 30lbs (though in my current frame of mind if I lost 5lbs I would be happy) If I lost that weight I would be happier pysically and emotionally, I mean I could jump and spring through the air and land gracefully instead of with a thud. Ok ok that's my floating in a green field with the clouds in the background kinda day dream, but you know what I mean.

So the first week was tough... I had headaches, felt sick, dizzy etc.. My problem is not what I eat, but how much I eat which has never been a problems until now. I always cook from scratch, eat veggies, fruit and rarely buy processed food but it's time to slash the portion size. After a week I can now do just the slim fast and dinner but it took me until now to slash my stomach size! Luckily the shakes taste good otherwise I couldn't do it. I did however today go to the grocery store and stared at the fried chicken. So the deli counter guy now thinks I am crazy. Maybe I should wear a sign indicating that I am starving, then he'll understand. So what's for breakfast tomorrow.... vanilla or chocolate fudge??

1 comment:

bodaat said...

Go for it Maria! I did slimfast for a while - more because it was a fast breakfast. They were pretty yummy!


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