This weekend Caleb had his first sleepover... it was so cute! My husband didn't think that 3 yr olds should have sleepovers but I beg to differ. Although a little crazy in the McLaughlin household.. (good job we have this big old house now) the boys had so much fun. We only had two incidences of them beating on each other, the only other crocodile tears was Caleb bouncing off his bed and landing on his head :( The boys here are painting, they also painted my table which is now stained green and blue.. who knew that crayola WASHABLE paint would turn my table a different colour???

We also went to the Christmas market and met with Santa. Caleb was pretty excited and was going to ask Santa for Batman Underwear... Mason on the other hand, as you can probably tell by the picture wanted NOTHING to do with him!! We tried a few times only to get the same response. Usually this is the photo I use to mail to the fam. and put in Xmas cards but not this time! Oh well later in the the lead up to the festive season we have Santa's breakfast so we'll try again then!
I don't know, it might still be cute to send that pic for your xmas letter/cards. It makes me smile. :)
They are so much cuter when they smile though!!!
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