Thursday, February 11, 2010

If I told you how bad my day was yesterday you wouldn't believe me....

Still reeling.. I am an emotional roller coaster. The last two weeks has been rough.. I have been sick, the kids have been sick, a week later Mason is still sick. I had to sit my citizenship test yesterday so while in bed with a vomiting child I sat up until midnight the night before just to make sure I knew everything in the book. I would hate to fail and get kicked out :) So I get up bright and early - it's snowing... drop the kids off and head on my trek to Sudbury. I had my father-in-laws car it a little Aveo. Tiny shoe box thing.. great for around the Island and great for long need to be gas efficient trips but in the snow I would rather take the gas pig 4x4 Escape. I get into the Espanola hills, about an hour and a half from home, in a snow storm, no cell coverage and my car starts chugging. Really badly and shaking and I am thinking "I am not going to make it to Espanola.. I am going to be stuck on the side of the road with no cell phone, in a snow storm and a broken car" I am now also balling my eyes out.

I do however make it to the Canadian Tire in Espanola where they fix my car and get me on the road by 10am! Great staff there, they dropped everything for the hysterical balling woman with the "chugging" car (they actually put "chugging" on the form they gave to the mechanic) who was hysterically talking about being in Sudbury for being sent back to England.. They got the parts from Northern Ford, and had me flying out of there so that I could get to Sudbury on time!

Got there, passed the test.. yay for me. 1st drama for the day done.

On the way back after, Sean called me very upset. Tugboat our dog has not been doing that great this week... It all happened so fast that he seemed fine, then it looked like he hurt his leg or maybe had some arthritis in it... Took him to the vet and they thought he had torn ligaments and needed $2000.00 surgery. Sean took him back for x-rays while I was in Sudbury and it turns out he has cancer - bad. There is a mass affecting his hips and cutting off his intestines and affecting his colon. They think it may have started as Lymphoma. After a bad experience with his time at the vets he is resigned to the fact that he has to be put to sleep. Tug is the sweetest dog in the world. He is so gentle with the kids and so good, always obedient. It is so sad, we are all devastated that we are losing a member of our family. Caleb (after the cat incident) is still trying to grasp it and asking lots of questions as a curious 4yr old does... some that seems impossible to answer. This is really hard on all of us, but really hard on Sean that he is losing his 'buddy'. He keeps flip flopping from knowing he has to put him to sleep to somehow saving him or waiting to see what he will be like tomorrow in case he gets better.... It's so hard because it happened so quickly it's so hard to wrap your head around it... He was fine last week. So I balled my eyes out all the way home. I was so distracted that I pulled out to pass a car and there was a car right in front of me. I wasn't on a hill I was on a straight stretch I was just so distracted that I just didn't see it.

Rush home, take Caleb to hockey, get home, make supper, kids in bed.

An hour later Mason is crying... and there is vomit ALL OVER his bed.... AGAIN.

Can you guess what happened next? Yes... I am balling my eyes out... again.

Worst day ever and unfortunately it's going to be a rough weekend for our family.. :(


bodaat said...

oh Maria, my heart is simply hurting for you and your family. from one puppy lover to another, i can't even imagine what life must be like for you all right now. i wish all of your hearts a soft place to land on and much comfort. i'm thinking of you guys.

Unknown said...

Oh, Maria! I am soooo late in reading all these posts! I knew all the updates through FB and through Audrey. I'm so very sorry you have to go through so much at once. I can't imagine how hard it must be.

Thinking of you always.

Unknown said...

Thanks girls! Kuv... love ya.xx


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