Sunday, February 28, 2010

Boys will be boys...

Just had a major disaster.... Sean got up and lit a fire in the wood stove, we're sat watching TV and I thought that it smelt funny in the house.... I went over to one of the wood stove vents and it really smelt funny! Sean couldn't smell anything at first but finally he realized what was going on! There are two vents in the floor for the heat to come up from the wood stove, the kids have been dumping their toys down them, the one had pretty big holes to fit things in... He realized that there is actually something on top of the wood stove (which is encased) burning. As soon as he realized that the smoke that started coming out of the vents in the floor was crazy. I can now imagine what it would be like if your house was burning down... Just as all this madness is going on Todd walks in for a coffee and thinks we have a chimney fire.. we are now all in panic mode!

They rip the metal off on the front wood stove off and there melting away - an offending golf ball. Not only had the little shits been dumping toys down there but all my OPI nail polishes, I now have one left and a colorful pile on the floor in the basement....


bodaat said...

uh-oh! are the boys in trouble?? :)

Unknown said...

Oh, wow! That must have been scary!!! Yikes!

just call me jo said...

Boys are in trouble?? How do kids come up with things like that? You just never know what they'll do next...I have twin 4.5 year old grand sons. They are diabolical but often cute and lovable. Not at same time, however. Glad you're safe and in tact.

Unknown said...

Thanks! It was a pain in the ass and my house still smells of burnt plastic... and yes.. they were in trouble!

Unknown said...

Just nominated you for a Creative Blogger Award, Maria! Check out the details on my blog. :) Hope you're having a good week! It's gorgeous out! XOXO


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